Refund, Returns and Exchanges

1. Can I place a return or replacement request?

You can place a return or replacement request within 3 days of receiving the product. You can return the product if you are unhappy with it. If there is any manufacturing defect in the product, you ask for the item to replaced.

2. What types of returns or replacements are not allowed?

You cannot return a product or ask for a replacement after using it or washing it. The product can only be returned in the same condition as it was received along with all of its packaging. If we receive a used or a damaged product, we will not be processing a refund against it.

3. How do I place a return or replacement request?

Submit your return or replacement request here. We will arrange a return pick up of the product from your delivery address; get the product back in most situations. If your pin code is not serviceable for a return pick up by our partner carriers, then you will have to ship the product back to us on your own. Currently, we are servicing all return; replacement requests at no extra charge.

4. When will I receive my refund?

Your refund will be processed within 7 days of the return package reaching us. In case of an online payment, your refund will be processed to the original payment method used by you while placing the order and in case of a cash on.

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Rebe And Tulip India